Krāsaina bilde, žurnāla "Latvijas Arhīvi" 2024.gada 2.numura vāks

The 2nd issue of the journal “Latvijas Arhīvi” (Archives of Latvia) of 2024 has been published. The journal has published six scientific articles—source-based publications covering a wide range of topics: Edgars Ceske “About One Historical Source Without Attribution, the “Fire Ma­chines” of James Watt and Baron Munchausen, or Two Courlanders and Their Fellow Trav­elers at the Cradle of the Steam Engine”; Ēriks Jēkabsons “Latvian Factory Owner During 1905–1919: the Testimony by Augusts Drapče”; Aiga Bērziņa-Kite “How Six Inmates Escaped from Jelgava Prison in Minutes: the Most Notorious 1920 Prison Break and Its Impact”; Kārlis Sils “Tautas dēls (The Son of the People, 1934): the Promised Rebirth of the Latvian Film Industry That Was Never Fulfilled”; Jānis Šiliņš “Entrepreneurship Practices in the Interwar Period in Latvia: the Case of the Ranki Family”; Mairita Lukianska “Use of Artificial Intelligence in Handwritten Text Recognition within the Collection of the Minutes of the Riga City Coun­cil”. Scientific articles are in the Latvian language with abstracts and summaries in English.

We celebrated the 105th anniversary of the Latvian State Historical Archives, the 60th anniversary of the Regional State Archives, and the 30th anniversary of the State Archives of Personnel Documents last year. The “Archives today” section of the journal offers a thorough summary of the National Archives of Latvia's anniversary year and the events that took place. The journal provides an opportunity to learn about the most recent advancements in foreign archives in digitization and the development of digital tools. Birgit Kibal, Head of International Relations at the Estonian National Archives, discusses online services and the challenges and achievements of digitalization in Estonia, while Emese Kún, senior archivist at the Budapest City Archives, provides an overview of the thematic sites of the Budapest City Archives. The previous year has been significant for the National Archives of Latvia. Delegates from the National Archives of Latvia attended the Baltic archivists meeting titled “Archives in 2050: Eduvision” in Plunge, Lithuania. The journal provides a summary of the meeting and the recent developments and achievements of the archives in all three Baltic States.

The journal “Archives of Latvia” is published by the National Archives of Latvia and the Latvian Archivist Society. The State Culture Capital Foundation financed the journal's publication.

Price: € 6.39

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e-mail: latvijas.arhivi@arhivi.gov.lv
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